Reiki (ray-key) translates as a Universal Life Energy. Reiki energy brings about deep relaxation, dissolves energy blockages, detoxifies, supplies healing energy and increases the vibrational frequency of the body. Reiki is a non invasive ancient form of hands off/on healing, helping to balance the bodies energy centers to self heal mind, body and spirit. During Reiki treatments our clients are fully clothed on a treatment table. This is NOT a physical massage, and the practitioner touches very lightly. During your treatment of this hands-off approach, the practitioner attempts to move your body's physical energy to send healing energy where the body needs it and unblock those areas that may be constricted. Includes aromatherapy during treatments and Tibetan Sining Bowls at the end of a treatment. Reflexology can also be combined with Reiki.
*Reiki is a complimentary treatment and does NOT attempt to make medical claims or is a substitute for your professional medical care. Usui Ryoho Method Reiki "We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Associated with the spinal column, this is the center of your body's energy system and it shields the body's most critical nerves. Medical researchers have discovered that most of the human body's greatest concentrations of nerve centers align with the Chakra points! There are 7 basic chakras that most people are aware of, actually there are many more. These chakra or energy stations can block the flow of your bodies energy limiting the physical, emotional or spiritual healing. We can check those chakras through interview and energy and attempt to help you balance them for better physical and emotional well being.